Edotco, Telkom University and TIP collaborate for neutral host ecosystem

05 April 2024

Edotco has formed a strategic collaboration with Telecom Infra Project (TIP) and Telkom University to create a neutral host ecosystem for southeast Asia by leveraging Open RAN.

The initiative aims leverage open and disaggregated network technology standards to enable seamless connectivity across diverse networks and enhance digital experiences for businesses and consumers. A key objective is to develop a comprehensive blueprint for the neutral host model within the telecoms industry based on Open RAN solutions, with the goal of creating a scalable and efficient framework for seamless connectivity.

According to Edotco, Open RAN solutions will enable interoperability and flexibility, leading to more efficient utilisation of network resources and benefiting consumers and businesses with improved coverage, reduced latency, and enhanced digital experiences.

TIP’s Community Lab at Telkom University will serve as a hub for testing and validating these solutions, bringing together researchers, industry players, and startups to develop commercially viable products and services.

TIP executive director Kristian Toivo described the neutral host initiative as a “game changer” for the telecoms sector in Southeast Asia: “our collective vision is to unlock new possibilities that transcend conventional connectivity boundaries, positioning southeast Asia at the forefront of the global digital revolution.”