NTNs – a puff of hot air?

05 July 2024

NTNs are being embraced by the wireless community as a way of provisioning reliable, universal connectivity…

Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) are gaining traction globally. The southeast Asian region, however, is experiencing significant developments and is adopting such technologies to enhance connectivity and address the challenges posed by its diverse geography.

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Making money with AI

04 July 2024

Classical and Generative AI are reshaping telecommunications as we know it – so what do operators need to know to make the most of these new capabilities?

AI has already significantly reshaped the telecommunications landscape in a very short period by helping telcos improve service quality, increase customer satisfaction and develop new products and services.

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10 April 2024

Manu Krishna, CEO, Tarantula

Who was your hero when you were growing up?

Growing up, my hero was undoubtedly my father. During my school years, he toiled away in the Middle East, miles apart from us. Reflecting on those days now, I’m in awe of how he effortlessly balanced his demanding job with his duties at home, never once letting us feel neglected. As a father myself, I now understand and deeply appreciate all the sacrifices he made for our family.

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Is Asia ready for 6G?

10 April 2024

While 5G remains in its infancy in vast swathes of the world, the relentless pursuit of progress sees certain nations marching onwards, with 6G becoming closer than ever…

Increasing levels of global interconnection and expanding reliance upon digital technologies is seeing hefty demand for ubiquitous, reliable, high-speed connectivity.

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