Telekom Malaysia’s Unifi Business unit launches e-Pharmacy app

05 April 2024

Telekom Malaysia’s enterprise unit, Unifi Business, has launched an ‘e-Pharmacy’ mobile application that enables e-prescriptions via teleconsultation for pharmacists and their walk-in patients.

Developed in collaboration with local telemedicine platform Teleme Technologies, the e-Pharmacy app includes access to over 500 licensed healthcare professionals for teleconsultation, e-prescriptions, customised Digital Signature, e-health articles, and a repository for patients’ medical records.

The app aims to help pharmacists dispense essential medications and pharmaceutical services, especially among rural and underserved communities, via e-prescriptions that enable seamless access to prescribed medications.

The e-Pharmacy offering is bundled with Unifi Business’ fixed broadband plans from 100 Mbps to 2Gbps. Telekom Malaysia says that under the Malaysian government’s Geran Digital PMKS Madani (GDPM), eligible MSME pharmacies will be entitled to claim rebates up to 50% discounts off Unifi Business’ commercial package price for 12 months. The GDPM aims to help MSMEs receive government support to embrace digitalisation.

“By integrating connectivity and technologies into patient care, our e-Pharmacy solution aims to support healthcare professionals and the government in providing efficient and beneficial services for all Malaysians, especially among communities where healthcare access remains a challenge,” said Telekom Malaysia group CEO Amar Huzaimi Md Deris.