20 December 2024
Thaicom’s subsidiary IPSTAR India has been granted approval by the Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Center (IN-SPACe) to provide broadband satellite services in India.
According to Thaicom, IN-SPACe authorized IPSTAR India to provide satellite-related services using the Thaicom 4 satellite at 119.5º East and Thaicom 8 at 78.5º East. The authorisation also includes Thaicom’s upcoming new satellite, Thaicom 9, which is being supplied by Astranis and will be launched sometime next year to replace Thaicom 4 in the 119.5º East slot.
Find out more13 December 2024
AST SpaceMobile has signed a definitive ten-year commercial agreement with Vodafone Group to roll out its services in Vodafone’s markets worldwide.
The agreement – which runs until 2034 – establishes a framework for Vodafone’s operators to offer AST’s D2D service in their home markets. For Africa and Asia, that includes Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, India and Turkey.
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03 December 2024
Glenn Katz, Chief Commercial Officer, Telesat
The Asia Pacific region embodies a rich and diverse mix of peoples, cultures, geographies – and economic development. While we often associate Asia with digital sophistication, there have long been big differences between advanced countries like Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan, and rural and developing areas such as are found throughout many parts of Southeast Asia. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report 2023-2024 noted that while the Asia region saw a global-leading 9% growth rate in digitally deliverable exports from 2015 to 2022, only six economies made up 85% of that amount with the least developed countries representing less than 1% combined.
Find out more02 December 2024
The delivery of universal meaningful connectivity is a no brainer in today’s digital landscape. But how can this be achieved in Asia’s most challenging terrains?
A key talking point for 2024, meaningful connectivity and how to define it has come under increased scrutiny throughout the communications sector.
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